Kualitas Selama Penyimpanan dan Umur Simpan Makanan Formula Cair Instan Berbahan Tepung Lele dan Tepung Daun Kelo Changes in Quality Characteristics of Instant Formulated Liquid Diet-Based Catfish and Moringa Leaves Powder During Storage and Its Shelf-Life Prediction

Ayu Rizkia Nisa, Clara Meliyanti Kusharto


The research aimed to observe quality changes during 42 days of storage at three different temperatures (25°C, 35°C and 40°C) and estimated tht shelf-life of formulated liquid diet. Quality changes were analyzed using critical parameters (water activity and rancidity) and additional parameters (proximate, calcium, Ca bioavailability analysis and protein digestibility). Moreover, it’s shelf-life estimation was analyzed using Arrhenius Accelerated Shelf-Life Testing (ASLT) model Arrhenius. Studies showed significant changes in parameters of water content, ash content, ash content, fat content, calcium level and calcium bioavailability, but are still within safe limits. Sensory parameters (color, taste, aroma and viscosity) show no significant changes, meanwhile the brightness of color changes significantly during storage. The result of the shelf-life prediction of formulated liquid diet-based catfish and moringa leaves powder is about 70 days based on parameters for water activity.


Ayu Rizkia Nisa
Clara Meliyanti Kusharto
clara@apps.ipb.ac.id (Primary Contact)
NisaA. R. and KushartoC. M. (2022) “Kualitas Selama Penyimpanan dan Umur Simpan Makanan Formula Cair Instan Berbahan Tepung Lele dan Tepung Daun Kelo: Changes in Quality Characteristics of Instant Formulated Liquid Diet-Based Catfish and Moringa Leaves Powder During Storage and Its Shelf-Life Prediction”, Jurnal Ilmu Gizi dan Dietetik. bjm, 1(2), pp. 119-126. doi: 10.25182/jigd.2022.1.2.119-126.
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