Body Image, Kualitas Diet dan Hubungannya pada Status Gizi Remaja Putri di SMAN 10 Padang Tahun 2023 Body Image, Dietary Quality and It’s Correlation to The Nutritional Status of Adolescent Girls at SMAN 10 Padang in 2023

Risti Kurnia Dewi, Siti Hamaliyah


Adolescence is a transition period from childhood to adulthood that includes in the vulnerable group experiencing nutritional problems, especially under or over-nutritional status. Factors that can influence nutritional status in adolescents are body image and dietary quality. This study aimed to determine the relationship between body image and dietary quality on the nutritional status of adolescent girls at SMAN 10 Padang. This research used a cross-sectional design and a sampling technique using the proportional random sampling method. The sample for this research was teenage girls in classes X and XI at SMAN 10 Padang, aged 16-18 years, for a total of 118 people. Research data was collected by means of anthropometric measurements, interviews, and filling out questionnaires. Data were analyzed used the chi-square statistical test and the fisher’s exact test to determine the correlation between body image and dietary quality with the nutritional status of adolescent girls. The research results showed that 76.3% of subjects had negative body image, 86.4% of subjects had poor diet quality, and 78.8% of subjects had normal nutritional status. There was a significant relationship between body image (p-value=0.037) on the nutritional status of adolescent girls, but there was not significant relationship between dietary quality (p-value=0.517) on the nutritional status of adolescent girls. Body image had a significant relationship to the nutritional status of adolescent girls. There was no relationship between diet quality on the nutritional status of adolescent girls.


Risti Kurnia Dewi (Primary Contact)
Siti Hamaliyah
DewiR. K. and HamaliyahS. (2024) “Body Image, Kualitas Diet dan Hubungannya pada Status Gizi Remaja Putri di SMAN 10 Padang Tahun 2023: Body Image, Dietary Quality and It’s Correlation to The Nutritional Status of Adolescent Girls at SMAN 10 Padang in 2023”, Jurnal Ilmu Gizi dan Dietetik. bjm, 3(2), pp. 107-113. doi: 10.25182/jigd.2024.3.2.107-113.
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