Sitti Rahmawati, Rabasia, Afadil, Suherman, Tri Santoso, Vivi Diah Sangkota, Paulus Hengky Abram


Durian peels is a biomass waste that can be used as an alternative fuel in charcoal briquettes. Durian peels contains combustible materials, namely high cellulose (50%-60%) and lignin (5%) and low starch (5%). This study aims to determine the characteristics of charcoal briquettes from durian skin waste using adhesive from sago starch as an alternative fuel. The adhesive used is adhesive from sago flour, which is 3% of the weight of the charcoal used. In this study, 500 g of charcoal was used, so that the adhesive used was 15 g. The results of testing the quality of briquettes products made from durian peels obtained calorific value (5189.128 Cal/g), moisture content value (3.6044%), ash content value (3.5643%), volatile matter value (21.1273%), and the value of bounds carbon content (69.2279%), density (0.4778 g/cm3), combustion rate (0.22 g/second). Briquettes produced from durian skin waste using starch from sago as an adhesive can be used as an alternative fuel that is environmentally friendly


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Sitti Rahmawati (Primary Contact)
Tri Santoso
Vivi Diah Sangkota
Paulus Hengky Abram
Sitti Rahmawati, Rabasia, Afadil, Suherman, Tri Santoso, SangkotaV. D. and AbramP. H. (2023) “THE UTILIZATION OF DURIAN PEELS (Durio zibethinus) FOR THE MANUFACTURING OF CHARCOAL BRIQUETTES AS ALTERNATIVE FUEL”, Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management). Bogor, ID, 13(1), pp. 76-87. doi: 10.29244/jpsl.13.1.76-87.

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