Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.

  1. Author should register through the following address:
  2. Author should fulfill the form, especially on the star mark. On the Confirmation Register section, please give your selection as author, reviewer, or both of them.   After the form is filled, click on "Register" to process the registration.
  3. Please go to User Home and select your role as Author. In Active Submission, click on "Click here: to go to step one of the five-step submission process".
  4. These are the five-step submission process:
  • Step 1. Starting the Submission On the Journal Section, select the appropriate section of journal, i.e. Articles. Author has to check-mark on the submission checklists. Author is able to give brief information to Editor about the submitted manuscript on the Comment form.  Please click on the "Save and continue" button to go to the further step.

  • Step 2. Entering the Submission's Metadata. 
    Author should enter metadata of all authors engaged in the writing process. The information of manuscript title, abstract, and keywords must be filled in the textbox. This journal allows the author to present the ORCID ID in the article metadata (please be completed in OJS).

  • Step 3. Uploading the Submission
    To upload manuscript to this journal, author should click Browse to find the manuscript file on the hard drive. Choose the file and click Upload button. Once the submission is uploaded, click Save and Continue on the bottom of this page.

  • Step 4. Uploading Supplementary Files
    The supplementary file should be uploaded is form A, consisting of Statement of Originality and Copyright Release Form. Therefore, click on Browse button, choose the file, click on Upload button, and click on Save and Continue.

  • Step 5. Confirming the Submission
    Author has to check that all documents are complete. To submit the manuscript to Journal of Family Sciences, click Finish Submission button. The corresponding author or the principal contact will receive an acknowledgment by email and will be able to view the submission's progress through the editorial process by logging in to the journal web address site.

  • Author is able to trace the submission manuscript status including manuscript review and editorial process by logging in to the journal web.