Allotransplantasi Testis Mencit Muda sebagai Upaya Preservasi Gonad In Vivo

  • Wahono Esthi Prasetyaningtyas
  • Kusdiantoro Mohamad
  • Mokhamad Fahrudin
  • Ita Djuwita
  • Srihadi Agungpriyono


Cancer disease are not detected only at adult but also at young age. One therapy for cancer diseases is chemotherapy and radiation, that give a side effect of infertility in the gonad, therefore, it is necessary to preserve the gonad. Sperm collection from adult is easy but not from the young patients.

Keyword: transpalantation, testis, mencit muda, spermatogenesis


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How to Cite
PrasetyaningtyasW. E., MohamadK., FahrudinM., DjuwitaI., & AgungpriyonoS. (2013). Allotransplantasi Testis Mencit Muda sebagai Upaya Preservasi Gonad In Vivo. Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, 12(1), 50-55. Retrieved from

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