Tingkatan Mutu dan Strategi Penanganan Udang Windu dengan Sistem Rantai Dingin di PPI Selili Samarinda

Quality Standards and Handling Strategies for Tiger Prawns with a Cold Chain System at PPI Selili Samarinda

  • Mustaruddin Mustaruddin Bogor Agricultural University



East Kalimantan has a flagship commodity, which is the Tiger Prawn (Panaeus monodon). The cultivation of this product is marketed to various areas around the city of Samarinda, one of which is Kutai Barat Regency (Pasar Barong Tongkok). The distribution process takes approximately 12 hours of travel time using a cold chain system (cool box). The lengthy journey time results in a decrease in the quality of the Tiger Prawns. Therefore, a more in-depth study is needed regarding the handling strategy of Tiger Prawns using a cold chain system at PPI Selili (Samarinda). The research method involves organoleptic testing at point 1 (PPI Selili) and point 2 (Pasar Barong Tongkok) to determine the quality of the prawns. The Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) method is used to identify risks in each handling activity. Than risk assessment will connected with quality observed in the organoleptic test, risk control options, and recommendations. Based on the test results, the quality of Tiger Prawns is still within safe limits for consumption. There are nine handling activities from PPI Selili to Pasar Barong Tongkok. The highest potential risk between nine handling activities is activity of shipping to Melak Pasar Barong Tongkok. Strategies that can be implemented include raising awareness and evaluation related to good handling practices and establishing an operational schedule for cleaning the loading and unloading area both before and after activities are performed.


Keywords: Formal Safety Assessment, Organoleptic, Strategy, Transportation, Tiger Shrimp


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Author Biography

Mustaruddin Mustaruddin, Bogor Agricultural University
Department of Fisheries Resources Utilization


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How to Cite
MustaruddinM. (2024). Tingkatan Mutu dan Strategi Penanganan Udang Windu dengan Sistem Rantai Dingin di PPI Selili Samarinda: Quality Standards and Handling Strategies for Tiger Prawns with a Cold Chain System at PPI Selili Samarinda. Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, (00). Retrieved from https://jai.ipb.ac.id/index.php/JIPI/article/view/51423