Application of various nutrition to the growth and production of melon (Cucumis melo L.) hydroponic DRFT (Dynamic Root Floating Technique)

  • Evi Julianita Harahap Universitas Teuku Umar


This study aims to determine the effect of providing nutrients on the growth and production of hydroponic melon plants DRFT (Dynamic Root Floating Technique). The experimental design used in this study was a randomized block design (RBD) with a non-factorial pattern with 3 treatments with 3 replications. The factors studied were nutrition which consisted of 3 levels namely N1 (AB Mix), N2 (Goodplant), and N3 (Hydro-J). Parameters observed were plant height (cm), number of leaves (strands), stem diameter (mm), fruit weight (kg), and fruit diameter (mm). The results showed that the treatment of N3 (Hydro-J) on the parameters of plant height and number of leaves at the age of 21 days after planting and 28 days after planting was significantly different from N2 (Goodplant), but not significantly different from N1 (AB Mix).


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How to Cite
Evi Julianita Harahap. (2024). Application of various nutrition to the growth and production of melon (Cucumis melo L.) hydroponic DRFT (Dynamic Root Floating Technique). Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, (00). Retrieved from