Senyawa Penciri Ekstrak Daun Jati Belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk) sebagai Anti-Kolesterol

  • Irmanida Batubara
  • . Husnawati
  • Latifah Kosim Darusman
  • Tohru Mitsunaga
Keywords: anti-cholesterol, Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk, marker compound, quercetin


Jati belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk) leaves is traditionally used as slimming and cholesterol reducing agent. This research aims to determine the active component on jati belanda leaves as marker compound for cholesterol reducing agent. The quality of leaves was checked prior to use for next step of analysis. Jati belanda leaves with good quality was extracted by ethanol 30% and the extract was separated by chromatography technique such as open column chromatography and preparative high performance liquid chromatography. The results showed that the quality of samples is meet to the requirement of Indonesian Food and Drug Agency (Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM)) based on moisture content, ash content, and heavy metal content. Based on the separation results showed that the cholesterol reducing compound from jati belanda is quercetin


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Author Biographies

Irmanida Batubara
Departemen Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680
. Husnawati
Departemen Biokimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680
Latifah Kosim Darusman
Departemen Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680
Tohru Mitsunaga
Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Gifu University, Japan


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How to Cite
BatubaraI., Husnawati., DarusmanL. K., & MitsunagaT. (2017). Senyawa Penciri Ekstrak Daun Jati Belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk) sebagai Anti-Kolesterol. Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, 22(2), 87-91.

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