Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019): Journal of Regional and Rural Development Planning (Jurnal Perencanaan Pembangunan Wilayah dan Perdesaan)

Development at many areas in Indonesia and in other countries that are developing to become middle-income countries are characterized by transformation or structure shift in its economy, from agrarian domination to a more industry and service sector domination. Five articles in this journal discusses development strategies based on industry, business financing system development, and transportation system development, which are potential to be the motor of regional economic development if accompanied by competitive advantages. Study on the potential of industry sector together with its primary material provider can be conducted in rural and regional scale. Articles in this journal discusses rural scale at regency level and regional scale in province level.

KATA PENGANTAR - Strategi Industri, Pembiayaan Usaha dan Moda Angkutan Wilayah

PREFACE - Industrial, Business Financing, and Regional Transportation Mode Strategies

Published: 2019-06-23