Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management <p align="justify"><strong><input style="float: left; margin-left: 25px; margin-right: 25px;" alt="" src="/public/site/images/jpsp/smallcover3.jpg" type="image"></strong><strong>MARINE FISHERIES: Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management</strong> is a scientific journal in the field of marine fisheries technology and management.&nbsp; The journal publishes original research and review in scope of fishing gears, fishing technologies, fishing vessels and transportation, fishing port policy and management, and marine fisheries system. This journal has been accredited by Directorate General of Research, Technology and Higher Education Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia since 2015. This journal is organized by Communication Forum and Partnership of Capture Fisheries in Indonesia and Department of Fisheries Resources Utilization Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Bogor Agricultural University.&nbsp; This Journal is published twice a year May and November.</p> Bogor Agricultural University en-US Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management 2087-4235 <p>Author(s) who published in this journal agree to following terms:</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li class="show">Author(s) must understand and agree that the copyright script in published owned by the Marine Fisheries Journal. The copyright includes reproducing and selling the manuscript to all parties.<br><br></li> <li class="show">Everyone can cite every manuscript published in Marine Fisheries for educational purposes, with the author's name and the Marine Fisheries Journal on reference.</li> </ol> STRATEGI PENINGKATAN EFEKTIVITAS OPERASIONAL SENTRA KELAUTAN DAN PERIKANAN TERPADU NATUNA <p><em>The Natuna Integrated Maritime and Fisheries Center (IMFC) was established to integrate fish landing, processing, and marketing activities. However, until 2019, the operation of IMFC had not been optimized, hence the objectives of its establishment had not been achieved. This study aims to assess the operational effectiveness of IMFC Natuna and develop strategies for its improvement. The research was carried out by identifying port facilities and capacities that have been built and assessing their operational performance. The strategy for increasing IMFC Natuna's operational activities was prepared using a SWOT analysis. The results show that the facilities at IMFC Natuna have been built completely and are currently in good, clean, and well-maintained condition. IMFC operational performance results from negative gap analysis on fish unloading parameters, namely fish production indicators and ship visits; the parameter of preparation of supplies on ice provision indicator; and marketing parameters on the indicator of the number of fish marketed. The service satisfaction assessment obtained an unsatisfactory rating on the provision of integrated cold storage facilities, provision and marketing services, as well as facilities for fish auctions. Strategies for increasing the operational activities of IMFC Natuna include empowering and improving fishers' skills, making regulations so that trading activities and business activities are centered in IMFC Natuna, inviting investors to develop fisheries investment, and bringing in fishing fleets from outside Natuna.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></strong><em>Gap, Natuna, operational, IMFC, Strategy.</em></p> Muhammad Arifnur Tri Wiji Nurani Iin Solihin Copyright (c) 2023-11-23 2023-11-23 14 2 131 142 10.29244/jmf.v14i2.44771 ANALISIS KEBUTUHAN INFORMASI BAGI PENYUSUNAN RENCANA RESOLUSI KONFLIK DI TAMAN WISATA PERAIRAN (TWP) PULAU PIEH <p><em>The difference in fishing gear between traditional and modern fishermen triggers conflicts; for the sustainability of the Pieh Island Marine Tourism Park (TWP) area, efforts are needed to prepare an efficient conflict resolution plan by considering relevant data and information. The study aims to identify conflicts in the Pieh Island TWP area, identify data and information needs to develop conflict resolution, analyze the availability of management data in the Pieh Island TWP, and provide recommendations for data and information collection. The research was conducted in the form of field observations and structured interviews through several questions that have been systematically prepared, as well as focus group discussions (FGDs) with the managers of the Work Unit (Satker) who are directly responsible to the Pekanbaru National Marine Protected Area Workshop (LKKPN Pekanbaru) as the Technical Implementation Unit of the TWP National Marine Protected Area Pieh Island. The results of the study are qualitative and quantitative data through descriptive and comparative methods in the form of identification of the type/nature of conflict in TWP, data and information needed in the preparation of conflict resolution, data and information that is already available and that must be collected, the ability of managers to support technically but financially need additional funds, and appropriate conflict resolution as well as some descriptions of recommendations for collecting data and information in TWP.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></strong><em>information needs, management plan, conflict resolution.</em></p> Delfitri Yanti Darmawan M. Fedi Alfiadi Sondita Copyright (c) 2023-11-23 2023-11-23 14 2 143 156 10.29244/jmf.v14i2.44298 PENDUGAAN STATUS STOK DAN INDIKATOR BIOEKONOMI PERIKANAN KERAPU DI TELUK SALEH, NUSA TENGGARA BARAT <p>One of the challenges in managing small-scale fisheries with limited data is the need for indicators to estimate the stock status and the total allowable catch for sustainable utilization of fish resources. This study aims to estimate the stock status, catch, and optimal fishing effort of the grouper fishery in Saleh Bay, West Nusa Tenggara Province by using the Length-based Spawning Potential Ratio analysis, production surplus model, and bioeconomic approach. Based on the results of this study, it is known that Plectopomus leopardus and Epinephelus coioides are in overexploited condition, while Plectropomus maculatus is in fully exploited status. This study also shows that with a bioeconomic approach, optimal conditions for grouper fisheries in these waters are achieved when the catch is 3,862.1 tonnes per year. The results of this study underline the importance of maximum economic yield-based management as a framework for a fishing quota-based system as an additional instrument in implementing sustainable fishery management in the future. The success of applying the quota system and the total allowable effort is determined by the accuracy of the catch data of small vessels around Saleh Bay under regulatory provisions, supervision and effective law enforcement, the socio-cultural conditions of local communities and the level of compliance with regulations.<br>Keywords: fishing effort, grouper, overfished, quota system.</p> Diding Sudira Efendi Karyoto Karyoto Andi Irawan Hermawan Gatot Priyadi Muhammad Nur Misuari Nunik Mulyandari Copyright (c) 2023-11-26 2023-11-26 14 2 157 168 10.29244/jmf.v14i2.47638 KONDISI STOK IKAN KARANG DI KAWASAN KONSERVASI PERAIRAN TWP GITA NADA, PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT <p>TWP Gita Nada is one of the water conservation areas in NTB Province whose reef fish resources are used by fishers around the area, especially in zones that are permitted for fishing activities. However, there are indications that the use of the area by fishers causes a decrease in the abundance and biomass of reef fish in TWP Gita Nada. Therefore, it is necessary to research the condition of reef fish stocks in TWP Gita Nada to know for certain about the availability of reef fish resources in the area. This study collected data at 11 fish landing sites around TWP Gita Nada from March 2017 to December 2021. Data were collected using a sampling technique on 35% of the total fish landing activity in TWP Gita Nada. Data consisted of fishing units, fishing operations, fishing areas, catches, fish species, and fish length. Data analysis in this study used a length-based stock assessment approach to identify the condition of reef fish stocks and their utilization status. The results indicated that 271 species of reef fish landed in the TWP Gita Nada waters conservation area were identified from 31 family groups dominated by fish of the species Lutjanus gibbus, Lethrinus ornatus, Acanthurus mata, Naso thynnoides, and Lethrinus rubrioperculatus. Among those four dominant reef fish species, Lutjanus gibbus is in fully exploited utilization status with an SPR value of 0.26 or 26%. Meanwhile, the other three types of reef fish are under-exploited with SPR values above 0.3 or 30%.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>fishing, Lc, length-based approach, Lm, SPR</em><em>.</em></p> Azwar Anas Soraya Gigentika Isnaini Marliana Muslihuddin Aini Sitti Hilyana Nurliah Copyright (c) 2023-11-26 2023-11-26 14 2 169 181 10.29244/jmf.v14i2.47024 STRUKTUR SOSIAL, STRATEGI NAFKAH, DAN TINGKAT KESEJAHTERAAN NELAYAN PASCA REKLAMASI TELUK JAKARTA <p>Reclamation can be a source of social changes in fishing communities. This study aims to analyze the social structure, strategies for earning a living, and the level of welfare of the fishing community in Cilincing Fishers’ Village, North Jakarta during the post-reclamation period. The research was conducted using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative data were obtained by distributing questionnaires and then processed using the Paired-Sample T-test and the Wilcoxon Signed Ranking Test. Qualitative data were obtained through in-depth interviews with informants. The results showed that the social structure of fishers in Cilincing remained the same before and after reclamation. In terms of the social associative process, there are significant differences between before and after reclamation. After-reclamation, there has been an increase in various togetherness activities such as cooperation, mutual assistance, and deliberation. In terms of livelihood strategies, some fishers have experienced changes after reclamation, for example by doing side jobs. From the welfare level, both catch and income experienced a significant decline. <br>Keywords: fishers, livelihood strategy, reclamation, social structure, welfare.</p> Cisilia Querdiola Rilus A Kinseng Rajib Gandi Copyright (c) 2023-11-26 2023-11-26 14 2 183 200 10.29244/jmf.v14i2.46459 DISTRIBUTION OF SUBSIDIZED DIESEL FUEL ON FISHING VESSELS IN PPI LHOK BENGKUANG, SOUTH ACEH <p>Fishers at PPI Lhok Bengkuang, South Aceh Regency, are still unable to obtain subsidized <br>fuel oil. This is influenced by the increasing demand and the limited fuel supply at nearby fuel station.<br>The purpose of this study is to calculate the amount of diesel fuel distributed to fishers, the service<br>capacity of the fuel station at PPI Lhok Bengkuang, and the amount fuel supply. Data were collected<br>through observation and direct interviews with fishers who buy fuel regularly, which are then analyzed<br>using simple math. The results of this study show that 125 L of diesel fuel were subsidized subsidies<br>for 4 months, with a monthly average requirement of 31.92 liters. Fishing vessels with a size of 1–10<br>GT consumed most diesel fuel ranging from 85 to 285 liters. The tank capacity of the fuel station is<br>20,000 liters, and to fullfil the demand, diesel fuel is delivered 1-2 times per month.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> fishing vessels, fishing port Lhok Bengkuang, fuel, subsidized diesel</p> Muhammad Agam Thahir Cukup Karina Berasa Muhammad Rizal Akbardiansyah Copyright (c) 2023-11-28 2023-11-28 14 2 201 210 10.29244/jmf.v14i2.46035 STRATEGI PENINGKATAN AKTIVITAS PERIKANAN TANGKAP DI KABUPATEN KEBUMEN <p>Kabupaten Kebumen memiliki potensi sumberdaya ikan yang besar dengan posisi wilayah perairan yang langsung berhadapan dengan Samudera Hindia. Kondisi saat ini, aktivitas perikanan sudah berlangsung dengan baik dengan adanya 7 tempat pendaratan ikan dan 1 pelabuhan perikanan pantai. Nelayan masih mengalami kendala dengan keterbatasan prasarana di pelabuhan, sarana kapal/perahu yang masih berukuran kecil, cuaca dan gelombang besar pada saat musim barat, keberadaan ikan yang bersifat musiman, dan belum memiliki kemampuan untuk dapat mendeteksi keberadaan ikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan kegiatan yang telah dilakukan saat ini; (2) menentukan faktor kekuatan dan kelemahan internal, serta peluang dan ancaman eksternal; (3) menyusun strategi peningkatan aktivitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produksi ikan utama di Kabupaten Kebumen yaitu lobster, layur, dan bawal putih. Ketiga komoditi ini merupakan komoditi ekspor. Secara umum produksi dan nilai produksi dari ketiga komoditi tersebut terus mengalami peningkatan pada periode pada 2017-2021. Strategi untuk peningkatan aktivitas perikanan yaitu pengembangan teknologi dengan menggunakan kapal yang lebih besar, peningkatan sumberdaya manusia, diversifikasi pengolahan produk, dan peningkatan kapabilitas nelayan terkait dengan pengelolaan keuangan dan pemasaran.</p> Tri Wiji Nurani Prihatin Ika Wahyuningrum Rianti Dyah Hapsari Nurani Khoerunnisa Eko Sri Wiyono Iin Solihin Mokhamad Dahri Iskandar Sugeng Hari Wisudo Copyright (c) 2023-11-29 2023-11-29 14 2 211 224 10.29244/jmf.v14i2.45008 SEBARAN DAERAH PENANGKAPAN IKAN PADA PERIKANAN SKALA KECIL DI KABUPATEN PANGANDARAN, JAWA BARAT <p><em>Capture fisheries in Pangandaran Regency, West Java are dominated by small-scale fishers. As many as 98% of fishing vessels in Pangandaran are under 5 GT. The small fishing vessels restrict Pangandaran fishers from operating further outside the Pangandaran Bay. As a result, the fishing pressure around the bay increases. This study aims to analyze the fishing grounds distribution of Pangandaran fishers.&nbsp; The selection of fishing locations was carried out using the participatory mapping method by asking fishers to show the fishing location on the map provided. A total of 163 respondents from 4 different fish landing bases were interviewed to obtain data on fishing positions and dominant caught fish. The results showed that the fishing grounds of Pangandaran Regency fishers are divided into Pangandaran Bay (east coast) and Parigi Bay (west coast) with the highest concentration of fishing grounds in the western part of both bays. Fishers choose this location because it is safer from waves and blocks the target fish that migrate from west to east. There were 25 species of fish caught by Pangandaran fishers, but only 13 species were dominant with Trichiurus savala and Pampus argenteus being at the top. The results of this study are expected to be the basis information for determining policies to develop the fishing capacity of coastal fisheries in Pangandaran to </em><em>offshore</em><em>, hence it can reduce fishing pressure in the coastal waters.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></strong><em>fishing ground, artisanal fisheries.</em></p> Muhamad Riyono Edi Prayitno Abdul Rahman Muhammad Romdonul Hakim Copyright (c) 2023-11-29 2023-11-29 14 2 225 236 10.29244/jmf.v14i2.44236 LITERATURE REVIEW OF FLYING FISH: BIOLOGY, DISTRIBUTION, FLYING FISH FISHERIES, AND CURRENT RESEARCH <p><em>This article presents various literature related to flying fish from 1930 to the present, which are shown in the form of aspects of biology, distribution, fisheries, and utilization of Current Technology in Flying Fish Research. This study was conducted through a systematic search and review of various articles, books, dissertations, and theses that discuss flying fish. Literature studies related to flying fish are important to provide&nbsp;&nbsp; more complete information required to maintain the sustainability of their resources. This study shows the classification, type, spawning process, body shape, ability to glide in the waters, distribution, fishing technology, and current technology in various researches.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></strong><em>biology, distribution, flying fish, fisheries</em></p> Rini Sahni Putri Indra Jaya Sri Pujiyati Syamsul Bahri Agus Mahfud Palo Copyright (c) 2023-11-29 2023-11-29 14 2 237 247 10.29244/jmf.v14i2.45755 COMPOSITION OF THE NEW DESIGN OF PAYANG CATCHES IN MAJENE WATERS, MAKASSAR STRAIT <p><em>In this study, a new design scottish seine net&nbsp; was used with larger&nbsp; than the general size of the Scottish seine net in the research location. The purpose of this research was to analyze the total catch, species composition and the length of the catch. The study was conducted on one case of a Scottish seine net fishery unit by making a new design of Scottish seine net and then operating it with Scottish seine net fishers in the waters of Majene Makassar Strait. The parameters observed were the fish species caught and the length of each species. From the study results, it was found that the catch of 8 species of fish with total of 15,253 fish in the other bag. The species composition consisted of Shortfin scad (Decapterus macrosoma) 66.48%, Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) 14.42%, Rainbow runner (Elagatis bipinnulata) 7.09%, Mackerel tuna (Euthynnus affinis) 3.83%, Malabar trevally (Carangoides malabaricus) 2.39%, Unicorn leatherjacket (Aluterus monoceros) 2.29%, Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) 2.19% and Goldstripe sardinella (Sardinella gibbosa) 1.31%. The length of the dominant catch Shortfin scad (Decapterus macrosoma) as much as 66.48% ranged from 12.5 - 27 cm with a catchable percentage of 82.53% while Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) as the second highest catch was 14.42% only about 2 ,64% worth catching.</em></p> Mahfud Palo Najamuddin Najamuddin Andi Assir Marimba Copyright (c) 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 14 2 249 256 10.29244/jmf.v14i2.45870