Evaluasi Pemanfaatan dan Kepuasan Fasilitas Rantai Dingin dan SPDN di PPP Bacan Kabupaten Hlmahera Selatan

  • Fahrudin Hadji Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Provinsi Maluku Utara
  • Imran Taeran
  • M. Janib Ahmad
  • Martini Djamhur
  • Kusdi Hi Iksan
  • Amirul Karman


Based on information from fishermen and fish entrepreneurs, about 95.5% of the catch landed in the Bacan fishing port is stored in the air blast freezer (ABF) which is targeted for regional and exportsmarkets, while the remaining 4.5% is sold locally. The actual condition shows that the ABF has limited capacity. Furthermore, the need for ice blocks and diesel fuel (BBM) cannot be full filed as the ice factory and fuel station (SPDN) inside the port was not able to meet the current demand. As a result, fishermen have to buy from outside fishing port .In order to improve the port service, development program supported by scientific investigation on existing port performance is required. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the level of utilization and satisfaction of users of cold chain facilities and SPDN in PPP Bacan. The research was conducted at PPP Bacan, South Halmahera Regency, North Maluku Province, from August to September. Data were collected within 2 weeks, from 5 to 19 September 2020. The results showed that the utilization rate of ice factory facilities, ABF, and SPDN had exceeded the optimal limit, while the cold stroge was not optimal. All stakeholders (skippers, fishermen, and fish buyers) expressed their dissatisfaction with the service of the ice factory facilities, ABF, and SPDN, while the cold storage facilities were very satisfied.

Keywords: Evaluation, utilization, satisfaction, cold chain, coast fishing port, Bacan.


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How to Cite
HadjiF., TaeranI., AhmadM. J., DjamhurM., IksanK. H., & KarmanA. (2021). Evaluasi Pemanfaatan dan Kepuasan Fasilitas Rantai Dingin dan SPDN di PPP Bacan Kabupaten Hlmahera Selatan. Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management, 12(1), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.29244/jmf.v12i1.33865