Analisis Kebijakan Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Lahan pada Cagar Alam Pegunungan Cycloop (Analysis of Land Management Policy Resources at Preserve Cycloop Mountain)

Yaconias Maintindom, Andry Indrawan, Hariadi Kartodihardjo


For that this Research aim to (a) analyses the optimal exploiting alternative to area preserve cycloop mountain (b) know the clean water source and economic value and (c) compile the strategy of development CAPC. Result of research indicate that, (a) CAPC more optimal done by activity of conservation and tourism B/C = 1, settlement and infrastructure 0, 965 or<1 and plantation and mining 0,901 or<1, (d) clean water source of CAPC which still be functioned to amount to 12 river and economics value which water paid by society Rp. 6.570/org/thn with the use mean irrigate 60/ltr/org/hari. strategy of Management CAPC that is: community development of society institution, space settlement; improvement resource of human being officer of local government and custom society / private sector and also the straightening of law.

Keyword: Land,  preserve of  cycloop, functions and authority


Yaconias Maintindom (Primary Contact)
Andry Indrawan
Hariadi Kartodihardjo
MaintindomY., IndrawanA., & KartodihardjoH. (1). Analisis Kebijakan Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Lahan pada Cagar Alam Pegunungan Cycloop (Analysis of Land Management Policy Resources at Preserve Cycloop Mountain). Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika, 12(3). Retrieved from

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