Penampilan Tanaman Krisan Pot (Dendranthema grandiflora) Akibat Retardan dan Pemangkasan Pucuk

  • Nugraheni Widyawati Fakultas Pertanian dan Bisnis, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana


The research of the effects of retardant and terminal bud pinching on the performance of potted chrysanthemum was conducted using the Randomized Block Design, consist of seven treatments and four replications. The treatments were P1) control without retardant and bud pinching; P2) Retardant at transplanting into pots; P3) Retardant at one week after transplanting; P4) Retardant at two weeks after transplanting; P5) Pinching at the time of transplanting; P6) Pinching at one week after transplanting; P7) Pinching at two weeks after transplanting. Experimental data were analyzed using ANOVA and the analysis of the differences among treatments used Honest Significant Different (HSD) with α=5%. The results showed that retardant increased the chlorophyl of leaf, reduced the height of plant and diameter of shoot, reduced the number and diameter of flowers. Pinching decreased the height of shoot, increase the number of flowers. Retardant and pinching treatment did not cause the anthesis simultaneously. The performance of chrysanthemum pots on retardant treatment is more ideal than control and terminal bud pinching treatment.

Keywords: chrysanthemum, flowering, growth, paclobutrazol, pinching


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How to Cite
WidyawatiN. (2019). Penampilan Tanaman Krisan Pot (Dendranthema grandiflora) Akibat Retardan dan Pemangkasan Pucuk. Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia (JHI), 10(2), 128-134.