Indonesian Journal of Tropical Agriculture (IJTA) 2020-02-28T16:31:13+07:00 iman rusmana Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">The Indonesian Journal of Tropical Agriculture is a scientific publication for articles reporting research findings policy analyses, and opinion related to agriculture in broad sense, i.e., agronomy, soil science, entomology, plant pathology, agricultural social-economics, nutrition food science and technology, biotechnology, agricultural engineering, biometry, biology, agroclimatology, animal Science, veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, fishery and forestry, and related agricultural area. The Publisher of the Journal invites agricultural scientists to send their manuscript in the above field of studies. All manuscripts are subject to critical review by peer group (reviewers) in the subject area and approval by the Editorial Board. Acceptance or rejection is based mostly on their recommendations.</p> POPULATION OF SECRETORY CELLS AND SYNTHETIC ACTIVITIES IN MAMMARY GLAND F LACTATING SHEEP AFTER CONSUMING Sauropus androgynus (L.) Merr. LEAVES 2020-02-28T16:25:43+07:00 A. Suprayogi U. Ter Meulen T. Ungerer W. Manalu <p><strong>Thirty-five lactating ewes were divided in</strong><strong>t</strong><strong>o four groups and given Sauropus androgynus (SA) leaf extract solution at 1.89 g</strong><strong>/</strong><strong>day orally twke a day (Sax-group), SA leaf powder solution at 7.44 g</strong><strong>/</strong><strong>day (SAp-group), distilled water (control-group), and un</strong><strong>trea</strong><strong>ted group. Milk yield was measured. After 14 and 35 days, hal</strong><strong>f</strong><strong> of the udders were exc</strong><strong>ised</strong><strong> and the DNA and RNA determined. S</strong><strong>A</strong><strong>p administration increa</strong><strong>s</strong><strong>ed total milk yield for 35 days administration (P&gt;0.05)</strong><strong>,</strong><strong> compared to the control value</strong><strong>s</strong><strong>. The population of se</strong><strong>c</strong><strong>retory cells (total DNA) and synthetic activites (total RNA) were also increased signif</strong><strong>i</strong><strong>cantly (P&lt;0.05) by SA leaves administration for 14 days.</strong></p> 2020-02-28T16:17:49+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Indonesian Journal of Tropical Agriculture (IJTA) THE PROFILES OF WEEKLY PROGESTERONE AND STRADIOL CONCENTRATIONS DURING PREGNANCY IN EWES : 2. THEIR CORRELATIONS WITH MAMMARY GROWTH INDICES AT PARTURITION 2020-02-28T16:28:06+07:00 M.Y. Sumaryadi W. Manalu <p><strong>Fifteen pregnant (9 and 6 carrying a single and mu</strong><strong>l</strong><strong>tiple fetuses, respectively) and 5 nonpregnant ewes, as a control, were used to study the correlations of wee</strong><strong>kl</strong><strong>y maternal serum progesterone and estradiol</strong> <strong>concentrations during pregnancy with mammary grow</strong><strong>h </strong><strong>indices at parturition. Blood samples were drawn weekly (weeks 0 to 20) during gestation period for determination of progesterone and estradiol concentrations. The experimental ewes were sacri</strong><strong>fi</strong><strong>ced at parturition to determine mammary growth indices (mammary dry fat-free tissue [DFFT</strong><strong>]</strong><strong>,</strong> <strong>DNA,</strong><strong> RNA,</strong><strong> and collagen). Concentrations of proge</strong><strong>ste</strong><strong>rone at week 1 and weeks 3 to 19 of pregnancy positively correlated with mammary DFFT, DNA, and RNA at parturition. Maternal serum progesterone concentration at weeks 1, 3 and weeks 6 to 20 of pregnancy positively correlated with mammary collagen at parturition. Concentration of estradiol at weeks 5, 7, 9, and 11 to 20 posit</strong><strong>i</strong><strong>vely correlated with the mammary DFFT, DNA, RNA, and collagen at parturition. The higher the maternal serum progesterone and estradiol concentration during pregnancy the greater the mammary growth and development at parturition.</strong></p> 2020-02-28T16:15:40+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Indonesian Journal of Tropical Agriculture (IJTA) THE EFFECT OF LIGNIN COMPOSITION ON DELIGNIFICANTION RATE OF SOME TROPICAL HARDWOODS 2020-02-28T16:29:42+07:00 W. Syafii <p><strong>The effect of lignin composition on delignification rate and pulp properties of albizin (<em>Paraseriantes falcataria</em> </strong><strong>L</strong><strong>. Nielsen). Gmelina (<em>Gmelina arborea</em> Linn), yellow meranti (<em>Shorea acuminatissima</em> Sym), and kapur (<em>Dryobalanaps aromatica</em> Gaertn.) woods was determined. The lignin characterization showed that the sy</strong><strong>ri</strong><strong>ngl-guaiacyl rattio of albizia, gmelina, kapur, and yellow meranti woods are 2.03, 2.02, 1.87, and 1.30, respectively. It means that the lignin structure of the above mentioned woods are predominated by syringyl units. To asseas the influence of lignin structure on delignification rate and pulp properties, these wood samples were then subjected to the kraft pulping process under the following conditions: wood-to-liquor ration = 1:4, cooking temperature = 170°C, time to cooking temperature = 90 minutes, cooking time = 90 minutes, total active alkali =16%, </strong><strong>sul</strong><strong>fidity = 22.5%. From the present investigation it can be explained that the delignification rate of hardwood containing syringyl-rich lignin was higher than that of hardwood containing syringyl-poor lignin. The physical properties of pulp from hardwood containing syringyl-rich lignin are also higher than that of hardwood containing syringyl-poor lignin.</strong></p> 2020-02-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Indonesian Journal of Tropical Agriculture (IJTA) WOOD HARVESTING DAMAGES, REGENERATION AND GROWTH IN THE RESIDUAL STAND OF DIPTEROCARP FORESTS (A Case Study in the Forest Concession Area of PT. Narkata Rimba, East Kalimantan, Indonesia) 2020-02-28T16:31:13+07:00 . Elias <p><strong>The research was cond</strong><strong>u</strong><strong>cted in the concession area of PT. Narkata Rimba (NR), Muara Wahau, Kabupaten Kutai, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. The result obtained </strong><strong>i</strong><strong>ndicated that the levels of residual stand damages positively correlated to the wood harvesting inten</strong><strong>s</strong><strong>ity, the incide</strong><strong>nt</strong><strong> of damages on small trees was greater and most of the damaged trees were heavily injured. The tree’s mortality occurred during the wood harvesting year was 6.0-26.6% and one year after wood harvesting was 2.0-13.6%. After than the tree’a mortality was 0.5-3.6%, meanwhile the mortality of tree</strong><strong>’</strong><strong>s in a virgin forest was 0.9-3.4% per year. It seems that higher damage occurred in residual stands ca</strong><strong>u</strong><strong>ses the higher tree mortality. The seedling density of commercial dipterocarp species, in both the logged-over forest</strong><strong>s</strong><strong> and a virgin forest were more then the recommended minimum amount (1.000 sed</strong><strong>li</strong><strong>ngs per ha) as stated in the regulation of the Indonesian Selective Cutting and Planting (<em>Tebang Pilih Tanam Indonesia/TPII</em>) System. The </strong><strong>a</strong><strong>verage growth of diameter and volume of 25 nucleus tree hectar</strong><strong>e</strong><strong> per year during the fist five years after wood harvesting was 0.70 cm/years and 1.4235m</strong><strong><sup>3</sup></strong><strong>/ha/year, respectivety, to antici</strong><strong>p</strong><strong>ate the second cutting cycle, it is recommended to control the residual stand damages with an optimal wood harvesting intensity and to improve the technique of silviculture of dipterocarp forest with the p</strong><strong>u</strong><strong>rpose to increase the diameter growth of nucleus tree.</strong></p> 2020-02-28T16:14:28+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Indonesian Journal of Tropical Agriculture (IJTA)