Morphometric and meristic study of red swimming crab (Thalamita spinimana) in Dompak Waters, Tanjungpinang, Riau Islands
One of the crustacean species caught by Senggarang fishermen in Dompak Waters, Tanjungpinang City is the red swimming crab (Thalamita spinimana). The morphometric and meristic studies of red crab have not been widely carried out. Certainty of morphometric and meristic characters could characterize the taxonomic certainty of a species. This study aims to examine the morphometric and meristic characteristics of red swimming crab in Dompak Waters, Tanjungpinang City, Riau Islands Province. Sampling was carried out following the trip of Senggarang fishermen that caught red swimming crab with trap in Dompak Waters, conducted in April and May 2022 using the census method (by taking all the samples). The growth of female red crabs has 1 positive allometric character, namely carapace width and weight, the remaining nine other characters are negative allometric. The relationship status of morphometric characters in female red swimming crabs has a low, medium, strong relationship and the relationship status of morphometric characters in male red swimming crabs has a very low, low and very strong relationship. Meristic calculations on red swimming crabs have 6-11 spines on the profundus. The number of spines on the carpus 6-8 spines. The number of spines on 4-6 spines. The number of spines on the anterolateral left and right carapace is 5 spines.
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