Coastal and Ocean Journal (COJ) <p><img src="/public/site/images/admincoj/pageHeaderLogoImage_en_US.png"></p> <p><strong>COJ (Coastal and Ocean Journal)</strong> has an Online ISSN: 2549-8223 is a journal managed by <a href="">the Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies</a>, LRI i-MAR, <a href="">IPB University</a>, with the aim of disseminating information about scientific developments in coastal and ocean management in Indonesia. The scientific, management, innovation and technological developments in the coastal and marine fields in Indonesia include: Fisheries Management, Marine Product Processing, Marine Biotechnology, Aquatic Resource Management, Coastal and Marine Resource Management, Mapping of Coastal and Marine Areas, Law and Socio-Economics of Coastal and Marine Areas, Coastal and Marine Social and Ecological Systems, Coastal and Marine Ecosystem Services, Coastal and Marine Resource Conservation and Coastal and Marine Environmental Pollution Control. Based on the LIPI ISSN Decree that the Coastal and Ocean Journal has been registered in the online ISSN with SK number no. 0005.25498223/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2017.03 - March 8, 2017.</p> <p>Published in June 2017, twice a year.<br>Electronic ISSN : 2549-8223<br>Journal Link : <a href=""></a><br>Email :<br>Address : IPB Baranangsiang Campus, Raya Pajajaran Street, No 1, Bogor 16127</p> en-US (Prof. Dr. Ir. Ario Damar, M.Si.) (Muhammad Dendy Alamul Huda) Tue, 05 Dec 2023 15:21:07 +0700 OJS 60 BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS, PHENOL CONTENT AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF TROPICAL SEAGRASS Halodule pinifolia <p>Intertidal seagrasses are exposed to a high level of sunlight, temperature, and desiccation daily, which can lead to increase in reactive radical species producing.&nbsp; In order to survive, they may produce some bioactive compounds and may change the content of nutrient and non-nutrient. In this experiment, tropical seagrass Halodule pinifolia collected from the coastal area of Pangumbahan Sukabumi Indonesa was evaluated their potential nutritional value and natural antioxidant compound. Fresh seagrass H. pinifolia contained ash, protein and fat of 14.89, 9.74 and 2.13 g/100 g dry matter; whereas the amounts of soluble dietary fiber, insoluble dietary fiber were 12.84 and 27.23 g/100 g dry matter, respectively. The highest content of total phenol was found in ethyl acetate extract (0.31 mg GAE/g dry matter), followed by methanol and hexane extracts of 0.18 and 0.12 mg GAE/g dry matter, respectively.&nbsp; The extract of ethyl acetate also had the highest activity on DPPH-scavenging measured by IC50 value of 214.38 ppm in compared to methanol and hexane extracts.&nbsp; All of extracts contained bioactive compounds of steroid, flavonoid and phenol hydroquinone; whereas triterpenoid was only found in the extract of hexane.</p> Joko Santoso, Sri Purwaningsih, Wahyu Ramadhan, Yulista Noveliyana Copyright (c) 2023 Coastal and Ocean Journal (COJ) Tue, 05 Dec 2023 19:40:11 +0700 ANALYSIS OF HUMAN ERROR IN OPERATING FISHING BOAT PROPULSION ENGINES IN BITUNG, NORTH SULAWESI <p><em>The operation of ship propulsion engines is quite complex and requires adequate skills and expertise to operate the machinery. The occurrence of errors in operating the machinery is a possibility. The objective of this research is to analyze the occurrence of errors in operating ship propulsion engines caused by human error. To obtain valid results, observations of the crew while operating the machinery are conducted, and each task is broken down to obtain specific, detailed tasks through Hierarchical Task Analysis. Data generated using the Systematic Human Error Reduction and Prediction Approach (SHERPA) are comprehensively analyzed. The results reveal 21 specific tasks with criteria for inspection, action, and communication. Human errors occurred in profiles of low and moderate risk. Recommendations are provided to improve the risk profiles. The findings of this research have a significant impact on addressing the issues related to machinery operation caused by human errors.</em></p> Muhammad Zaki Latif Abrori; Bobby Demeianto, Juniawan Preston Siahaan, Yuniar E. Priharanto, Rizqi Ilmal Yaqin, Mula Tumpu, M. Bil Faqih, Andreas Pujianto, Akhmad Nurfauzi Copyright (c) 2023 Coastal and Ocean Journal (COJ) Thu, 07 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 PERCEPTIONS OF PURSE SEINE SHIP FISHERMAN TOWARDS RESPONSIBLE CAPTURE FISHERIES AT PT. PT HASIL LAUT SEJATI BATAM CITY <p><em>The perception of fishermen regarding responsible capture fisheries based on the CCRF is of utmost importance. Guidelines for responsible fishing provide a framework for both national and international efforts to ensure the sustainable and responsible utilization of marine resources. The objective of this research is to understand the socio-economic characteristics and perceptions of purse seine fishermen at PT. Hasil Laut Sejati in Batam City regarding responsible fishing practices. The required data for this research includes both primary and secondary data sources. Primary data collection involves direct observations and interviews with fishermen. Secondary data for this research is obtained from reports from relevant agencies, journals, and research reports. The analysis of fishermen's perceptions of responsible capture fisheries is conducted using a Likert scale. The socio-economic characteristics of PT. Hasil Laut Sejati's fishermen in Batam City show that 60% have completed high school education, and the age of fishermen ranges from 20 to 30 years. In terms of economic characteristics, fishermen have an average income of 3 million per month. The fishermen's perceptions (Captain, Chief Mate, and Crew) indicate strong agreement with responsible capture fisheries, with 28% strongly agreeing, 45% agreeing, 23% disagreeing, and 3% strongly disagreeing.</em></p> Muhammad Nur Arkham, Roma Yuli F Hutapea, Andri, Ratu Sari Mardiah, Djunaidi Copyright (c) 2023 Coastal and Ocean Journal (COJ) Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:28:25 +0700 THE GREEN PORTS FUTURE KNOWLEDGE MAP AND TREND <p>The purpose of this study is to track the emergence of research related to green ports over time and determine the knowledge map and trends of green port research topics in the future using thematic map bibliometric analysis. This study also provides an overview of the researchers and contributors of research countries in green port research globally. This research provides a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of historical developments and current trends in green port research, by examining 462 articles published from 1991-2023 on the Scopus database. This research uses R studio Cloud bibliometric analysis and biblioshiny package. It was found that there are three phases in green port research, namely the initial stagnation phase (1991-2006), infant growth (2007-2015), and expanding phase (2016-2022), the number of articles increased quite rapidly in the third phase until now. &nbsp;This research also highlights related to authors, contributor countries and it was found that the country of China contributed the most contributor authors compared to other countries, this is because China is a country that places many container ports as the top 10 largest container ports in the world, with a total market share reaching 70% of the global. From this analysis, it is found that the knowledge map and the direction of future topics related to green ports are “sustainable development”, “port development”, “port operation”, “carbon emissions” and “renewable energy resources”, besides that it is also found that there is a direction of the current green port and “smart port” research trends. So, it can be recommended that in the future these topics will be very relevant to develop, the themes of research themes needed include alternative strategies in net zero emission (NZE) in ports in the operational and development aspects of the port.</p> Nurdin Ahmadi, Sri Rahardjo, Sinta Hasriningtyas Copyright (c) 2023 Coastal and Ocean Journal (COJ) Tue, 26 Dec 2023 19:04:27 +0700 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF COMMUNITY SALT INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT IN INDRAMAYU DISTRICT <p><em>, but the number of domestic production is insufficient so the country imports it. Indramayu is one of Districts in West Java Province that produces salt. Production technologies applied in Indramayu District are: traditional, geomembran, bestekin, and DJ. This research aims to: analyze the feasibility of salt business, analyze the comparative use of technology, identify the determinants of smallholder salt production, and review the technology alternative in developing the people’s salt industry. The research method is survey and method of analyses are business feasibility analysis, comparative analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, and Comparative Performance Index (CPI). The result shows the The results showed the greatest benefit received by the farmer with technology bestekin IDR 396,000,000 per year. Based on the financial analysis NPV value of owned the biggest DJ technology amounting to IDR 1,016,456,247. The value Net B/C and the value of the IRR of the traditional technologies is 4 and 70.7%. Time the fastest return on investment than geomembran technology users is 2.0 years. The biggest R/C value from technology bestekin of 2.1. The value of the largest BEP unit is geomembran technology of 82.6 tons, and the value of the BEP rupiah is technology bestekin amounting to IDR 144,939,759. land area, age, and the amount of windmill, whereas t the amount of land area, labor, and geoisolator plastic. The determinants of bastekin and DJ technology could not be analyzed because It was done only by 1 respondent. The best alternative use of technology for salt production is DJ technology. Its performance index 312.78.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></p> Benny Osta Nababan, Tridoyo Kusumastanto, Uswatun Hasanah Copyright (c) 2023 Coastal and Ocean Journal (COJ) Tue, 26 Dec 2023 21:40:20 +0700