• Benny Osta Nababan STIE Dewantara; PKSPL IPB
  • Tridoyo Kusumastanto Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies IPB University
  • Uswatun Hasanah Departemen Ekonomi Sumberdaya dan Lingkungan, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Institut Pertanian Bogor
Keywords: Bestekin, CPI, DJ, geomembran, salt, small scale industry.


, but the number of domestic production is insufficient so the country imports it. Indramayu is one of Districts in West Java Province that produces salt. Production technologies applied in Indramayu District are: traditional, geomembran, bestekin, and DJ. This research aims to: analyze the feasibility of salt business, analyze the comparative use of technology, identify the determinants of smallholder salt production, and review the technology alternative in developing the people’s salt industry. The research method is survey and method of analyses are business feasibility analysis, comparative analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, and Comparative Performance Index (CPI). The result shows the The results showed the greatest benefit received by the farmer with technology bestekin IDR 396,000,000 per year. Based on the financial analysis NPV value of owned the biggest DJ technology amounting to IDR 1,016,456,247. The value Net B/C and the value of the IRR of the traditional technologies is 4 and 70.7%. Time the fastest return on investment than geomembran technology users is 2.0 years. The biggest R/C value from technology bestekin of 2.1. The value of the largest BEP unit is geomembran technology of 82.6 tons, and the value of the BEP rupiah is technology bestekin amounting to IDR 144,939,759. land area, age, and the amount of windmill, whereas t the amount of land area, labor, and geoisolator plastic. The determinants of bastekin and DJ technology could not be analyzed because It was done only by 1 respondent. The best alternative use of technology for salt production is DJ technology. Its performance index 312.78.    


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