Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): Journal of Regional and Rural Development Planning (Jurnal Perencanaan Pembangunan Wilayah dan Perdesaan)

In developing and middle-income countries, development of rural and remote areas are often faced with the limited and decrease in the number of population, as well as the efforts to promote regional growth and rural/regional attractiveness in order to counterbalance the magnet of urbanization to urban areas. On the other side, rural areas are urged to maintain their function as food producers and manage their natural resources and environment in a sustainable manner. Meanwhile, urban areas in developing and transforming countries are faced with problems of slum settlement, urban poor, provision of environmental facilities and infrastructure, and land use control.
This edition of JP2WD covers 9 articles that pictures issues and strategies on rural and urban development in Indonesia and Malaysia that reflects the current situation of developing countries or countries that are or have transitioned to become middle-income countries in Southeast Asia. An article reviews local development strategies which covers both urban and rural areas in Malang regency in Java island, four articles discuss issues of rural areas, and four other articles discuss issues of urban areas.

INTRODUCTION - Current Issues and Strategies on Rural and Urban Development in Southeast Asia

KATA PENGANTAR - Isu-isu dan Strategi Terkini Pengembangan Perdesaan dan Perkotaan di Asia Tenggara

Published: 2017-08-05
