Journal Description

Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian (JTEP), previously named Agricultural Engineering Bulletin, is an official publication of the Indonesian Society of Agricultural Engineers (ISAE) in collaboration with the Department of Mechanical and Biosystem Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Engineering, Bogor Agricultural University (The MoU can be downloaded here). JTEP is published three times a year in April, August and December.

JTEP is a peer reviewed journal that has been accredited SINTA 2 by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number 30/E/KPT/2018 which is valid for 5 (five) years since enacted on 27 September  2018. JTEP has been registered in Crossref, Indonesian Publication Index (IPI), Google Scholar, and other scientific databases

JTEP receives manuscripts of research results or scientific review in agricultural engineering related to farm structures and environment, agricultural and biosystem engineering, renewable energy, postharvest technology, food engineering and agricultural information system.

The articles sent by the author - must be an original script and is not being considered for publication by other journal or publishers - should be written in accordance with the writing guidelines and submitted online via Editors can revise the paper without changing the substance and content after a blind review process.

For further information and correspondence, please contact the secretariate of Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian, Department of Mechanical and Biosystem Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Engineering, Bogor Agricultural University, Kampus IPB Darmaga Kotak Pos 220, Bogor 16002; Phone: +62 251 8624503 Fax: +62 251 8623026; E-mail:

P-ISSN: 2407-0475  |  E-ISSN: 2338-8439

Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian

Published: Apr 4, 2024

Turbulent Flow Optimization in Evaporator Tank using Computational Fluid Dynamics

1-20 Yayan Heryana Heryana, ni putu dian nitamiwati, Maharani Dewi Solikhah
Read Statistic: 40

Characteristics of Mechanical Strength and Flexibility of Shallots Leaf

21-34 Lidia Kristina Panjaitan, Wawan Hermawan, Supriyanto Supriyanto, Robertus Heru Triharjanto, Sayr Bahri
Read Statistic: 25

Economic Evaluation of Industrial Plantation Forest Residues for Energy Fulfillment in the IKN

35-56 Erwan Hermawan, Adiarso Adiarso, R. Agung Wijono, Usman Sudjadi, Hari Setiawan
Read Statistic: 26

Mapping the Potential Development of Soybenas Crops Based on Growing Degree Days

57-76 Delvi Yanti, Omil Charmyn Chatib, Imelda Safitri, Nadya Nur Hasanah
Read Statistic: 23


77-92 Safinta Nurindra Rahmadhia, Denna Rianda Toni, Aprilia Fitriani
Read Statistic: 23

Penyimpangan Iklim ENSO dan IOD di Kalimantan Tengah Serta Kaitannya dengan Produksi Kelapa Sawit

93-101 Hermantoro Hermantoro, Dary As’ad Fadhil, Herry Wirianata
Read Statistic: 25

Penundaan Kematangan Buah Mangga Arumanis Pada Berbagai Umur Petik Menggunakan Etilen Adsorber

102-116 Chairunnisa Rahmaniar, Emmy Darmawati, Siti Mariana Widayanti
Read Statistic: 36

Optimization of Nata de Coco Industrial Liquid Waste Processing Using Membrane-Based Ultrafine Bubble Diffuser

117-127 Lukito Hasta Pratopo Lukito, Ahmad Thoriq, Drupadi Ciptaningtyas, Muhammad Rifaldhy
Read Statistic: 28

Non-Destructive Prediction of Chemical Content in Palm Oil Fruit Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Artificial Neural Network

128-139 Nissa Adiarifia, I Wayan Budiastra, Sutrisno Suro Mardjan
Read Statistic: 33

An Intelligent Food Recommendation System for Dine-in Customers with Non-Communicable Diseases History

140-152 Harry Imantho, Kudang Boro Seminar, Evy Damayanthi , Nugraha Edhi Suyatma , Karlisa Priandana, Bonang Waspadadi Ligar, Annisa Utami Seminar
Read Statistic: 61
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